Welcome to
Harrogate and Claro
Masonic Lodge No. 1001

Harrogate & Claro Lodge No. 1001
Established in 1864
Harrogate & Claro Lodge regular meetings are on the second Friday of each month throughout the year, except for the month of August, when there is no monthly meeting held. There are 11 meetings in total through the year. Our scheduled start time is 6:45 p.m. but this can be varied if circumstances dictate. The Lodge usually has rehearsals twice a month, on the two Mondays proceeding the meeting.
Harrogate & Claro Lodge No. 1001 currently has 63 subscribing members. Our members ages range from 28 to 94 with an average age of 63 years old, a wide spectrum of life experiences.
As with most Lodges members occupations range widely as well as retired members from various backgrounds, for example manufacturing, transport, finance, Public Service and other private businesses.
After our Masonic meetings we meet in the bar before retiring to the dining room for a meal which we refer to as the festive board. Ladies and partners join us on some social events.
The Province of Yorkshire, West Riding, which we operate within 188 Lodges and 80 Royal Arch Chapters, and totals over 5000 Masons are in our region which stretches from Ripon in the North, Goole in the East, Sheffield in the South and Bentham in the West.
To find out more about Freemasonry in Harrogate, please read the information on these pages and contact us if you have any questions. We would love to hear from you...
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